Psalm-light for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

Psalm 98

“O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things.
With his right hand and his holy arm has he won for himself the victory.”
Psalm 98 (v. 1,2)

Psalm 98 is positively bursting with music! The Psalmist as composer and band leader has singers breaking forth with joyful song (v5), and musicians making joyful noises on the harp (v6), trumpets and horn (v7). The whole Creation gets into the act with rivers clapping their hands and hills singing together with joy (v9)! It is a victory song, celebrating God’s steadfast love, faithfulness and power to save. As Christians, we read the Psalm (or better, sing it!) as a celebration of God’s sacrificial love and saving grace through Christ, and his Easter victory over sin and death.
As we move further into a second year of COVID-19, the music of our lives may have become at times a monotonous drone; at other times a relentless marching drum; and at yet other times, a lament for who and what we have lost. Psalm 98 reminds us that our faith sounds a clear strong note of hope, for Christ is with us.  He is the One we look to for light in the midst of darkness; new beginnings out of endings; new life out of the death dealing forces which assail us. We are Easter people; Alleluia is our song.

Walking in the light:
What is your “pandemic play list?” What songs, artists, genres, have given you a lift; boosted your energy; given you peace? They don’t have to be formally religious! Isn’t all creativity from the Creator? A life affirming, personally empowering, rock/ pop anthem about the power of love might be exactly what you need! Why not share the title of a musical piece and the artist from your “pandemic play list” in the comments?

 Submitted by Archdeacon Peter Crosby