

Youth in Worship

Christ Church Seaway is committed to helping ensure that young people have a worshipping community to call their own. Teens and adolescents bring unique gifts and perspectives that are celebrated as being important to the parish at large. Youth are always welcome and encouraged to participate in and assist with the worship of the parish. Youth often serve as readers, servers, musicians, Sunday school teachers, and in other roles too. Being part of inter generational worship gatherings is a key part of the journey to adulthood.


ACE Youth Group

Most Sundays youth have the opportunity to gather in the lower level of the church building to discuss and share the connections between faith and life. These youth classes run parallel with the Sunday School class and are open for all young people. The youth group sometimes gets together outside of church for social events, fundraising, and volunteer projects too. Friendships formed through youth group involvement can last a lifetime.

Summer Camp

Christian summer camps provide a unique venue for nature exploration and faith building. Camp also is an excellent environment for leadership development and social growth. Christ Church Seaway encourages families to become involved in Christian camps by helping with the cost of attending and by supporting campers throughout the experience. Every year, a group of campers from Christ Church attends Ontario Pioneer Camp in the Muskoka region.
